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Free MOPs Resources

Great marketing operations requires going beyond just managing a tech stack. Expanding your MOPs impact begins with diving into the operations side, finding ways to improve processes, and clean up messy systems. These 7 resources have everything you need to do just that.
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Jumpstart your Learning!

With these 7 handpicked learning courses

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We believe in the power of Agile principles to transform how marketing operations works because we've seen it happen! That's why we're thrilled to offer you 7 exceptional learning courses, absolutely free of charge!

Handpicked for you! 

We've spent years helping MOPs professionals improve how they work and deliver value to their teams. Based on that experience, we've selected the perfect blend of courses to maximize the impact on your work while minimizing the time you'll need.
Meet the Speaker

Andrea Fryrear

Andrea is one of the co-authors of the ICAgile Marketing Agility curriculum, as well as two books on marketing agility: Mastering Marketing Agility and Death of a Marketer.

She holds numerous Agile certifications, including:
  • Certified Agile Leader (CAL-1)
  • Certified Professional in Leading with Agility (ICP-LEA)
  • Certified Agile Coach (ICP-ACC)
  • Advanced Product Owner (A-CSPO)
  • Scrum@Scale Practitioner
  • Certified Professional in Marketing Agility (ICP-MKG)
  • ICAgile Certified Instructor
  • Certified Scrum Master (CSM)
Patrick Jones - Course author

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